Welcome 2012!
Wishing you all a wonderful new year full of adventure. Try someplace new: drop into a local shop, stop by the restaurant you passed up on the ride home every day, go to that free cultural event. You may find a new signature piece of jewelry, a favorite after-work hangout, or be exposed to awesome local artists.
Part of the reason I started this blog is to document my new adventures. As a Detroit-native, it's easy to overlook great places. I pass up so many places I've never been on my daily commute to work, places I promise I'll visit when I get a chance. Well, here's my chance and it's yours, too. No matter where you live, take time to really get to learn where you are this year. You may be surprised at how much your town may have to offer. If it's not as great as you think it could be, let exploration inspire you to help make a difference somewhere! I'm sure this being back in Detroit thing will do a bit of both!
Love your city. #lovedetroit!